Winter Revival Tips for Parents

Posted on 01/05/2024

mother talking with teenage daughter who has had a rough day

"Winter survival tips" was really what was at my fingertips, but that's not really all that we're after as parents, are we? We want our kids to thrive, to be revived, even while we're surrounded by plenty that seems cold and lifeless. Perhaps more than any other year, we need to be intentional about pursuing life-giving practices this winter. Maybe your favorite outings and escapes are impossible. Whatever your level of activity, ranging from just hanging around the house or apartment to getting out and about as much as possible, you can lead your children in getting past survival this winter.

mom and preteen daughter having a friendly chat while sitting on the bed

Talk About Your Disappointments - And Let Them Go

If we take our cues from the natural world, we realize that life often begins with death. Decomposing plant matter is an important part of the growth process for new plants. Whether you choose to do so casually or ceremonially, it's important to discuss with your children the disappointments, fears, and frustrations of the year behind you. Only when a person admits these kinds of things can he or she move past them - and your kids need you to model this for them. Sure, maybe there are some griefs they need not know about, but there are probably others they already realize.

For those who benefit from multi-sensory, physical representations, you might want to write each of your troubles on slips of paper and toss them into a (carefully contained) fire. You could also use natural objects such as pine needles or leaves, and let them go into the wind or water. Or, for a sillier take on the same idea, tear off a square of TP for each one, and flush it down the toilet! The point is the process, not the exact items used.

father and son outside happily talking while walking

Focus on a Few Goals or a Central Theme for the Year Ahead

For busy parents a detailed list of goals or resolutions might seem more stressful than helpful. But as a family, you can still find a way to focus on something you want to do more of or do better at in the coming year. You can use your word of the year to help focus your book choices, wall art, and even your weekend activities and social media posts. Choose a positive word like "gratitude" or "growth" that is pretty open-ended and ensure you can take steps toward better embracing those ideals.

mother helping daughter with her homework while sitting on the floor with laptop

If the one-word theme doesn't suit your style, maybe you could make 3 goals that have to do with doing things you know you will be able to do more of - and which will be healthy for all of you. Each time someone says they're bored or reaches for their favorite device for no particular reason, you can point to your 3 better options. Here are my top 3 ideas that I'm pretty sure we could all do a little more: Get Moving, Reach Out, Count Blessings.

mother and son chatting while sitting on the floor in front of a sofa

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