Safe Activites for Wet & Wild Fun in the Sun

Safe Activites for Wet & Wild Fun in the Sun
It's hot outdoors, and your kids understandably want a chance to cool off with some good, old-fashioned water. However, if you're the only adult on duty, perhaps a swimming day is just too stressful to consider. To make that happen, you don't need a lot of water or a pool. A few inexpensive toys can do wonders for your kids' comfort and enjoyment. And here's a free expert tip: Don't put out all the water toys at once; instead, rotate them for maximum fun! Beginner Wetness …
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Sun, Fun & Water Safety: How to Prepare, Part 3

Sun, Fun & Water Safety: How to Prepare, Part 3
In addition to the preventive steps we've previously discussed in the earlier parts in this series (see Part 1 & 2), having a clearly defined family water activity policy is one method to help in decreasing the risks connected with drowning. You can apply these rules to guests at events you host if you have a backyard pool or if you live near a natural body of water. As with any policy, you should make sure it is understood, publicly posted (if necessary), regularly reviewed, and ac …
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Sun, Fun & Water Safety: How to Prepare, Part 2

Sun, Fun & Water Safety: How to Prepare, Part 2
Summer vacation time and peak swimming (and drowning season) are just around the corner. Nobody wants to ruin your summer enjoyment, so I realize that's not the best way to look at it, but a drowning disaster can certainly do much more than ruin an otherwise enjoyable day at the beach. In the first part of this series, we looked at a few crucial strategies for decreasing your kids' risk of drowning, including talking to them about the hazards, getting rid of blatant dangers, and ins …
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Sun, Fun & Water Safety: How to Prepare, Part 1

Sun, Fun & Water Safety: How to Prepare, Part 1
As summertime draws near, water becomes the center of so much fun! Whether your family enjoys spending time at the beach, a nearby creek, or a swimming pool in the backyard, it's a good idea to review water safety with your children at this time. The number of drowning deaths is seven or eight times more than the amount of fire deaths. There are an average of 10 drowning deaths each day, or 3500 to 4000 deaths annually. For kids ages 1-4, drowning is the leading unintentional inj …
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Protecting Your Child from the Sun's Harmful Rays, Part 3

Protecting Your Child from the Sun's Harmful Rays, Part 3
Kids need to play outdoors! They need to experience nature and get that Vitamin D. But at the same time, we want to protect our kids from the harmful UVA and UVB rays of the sun. As we learn about risk factors for Melanoma and how clouds and shade affect our exposure to those rays, we all want to know more ways we can protect our kids against these potentially deadly threats. Sun-Protective Clothing Sun-protective clothing is trending these days, but the price point may be a litt …
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Protecting Your Child from the Sun's Harmful Rays, Part 2

Protecting Your Child from the Sun's Harmful Rays, Part 2
Even when it's not extremely bright or hot outside, our kids can be exposed to harmful UVA and UVB rays, which can cause skin cancer. The deadliest kind of skin cancer, melanoma, can quickly spread from the skin to the body's other organs. Once considered something that only affected older adults, this deadly disease is on the rise even among teens and young adults in their 20s. The good news is that melanoma is preventable and often treatable, when it's caught early enough. Recognizing …
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Protecting Your Child from the Sun's Harmful Rays, Part 1

Protecting Your Child from the Sun's Harmful Rays, Part 1
As the days grow longer, we all look forward to sunny days ahead. While we often think of protecting our kids against sunburns on hot summer days, even cloudy days can put them at risk. Let's take a few minutes to consider a few commonly held misconceptions about the dangers of exposure to the sun's rays as well as some kid-friendly resources to help keep them protected.Cloudy Days While the effects of a sunburn are certainly obvious and unpleasant, harmful exposure to UVA and UVB rays does …
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Creating Home Study Routines and Spaces, Part 2

Creating Home Study Routines and Spaces, Part 2
Academic achievement is greatly influenced by a parent's relationship with their child, but not nearly as much as when parents make academics a visible, active priority in the daily life of the home and explain (and actively enforce) their own expectations (see Part 1). The importance you place on hard work and education in general can be demonstrated by including schoolwork in the calendar and providing conducive study places for your children. Yet, there is no substitute for the kind …
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Creating Home Study Routines and Spaces, Part 1

Creating Home Study Routines and Spaces, Part 1
The most crucial thing you can do as a parent is to support academic success at home, regardless of how confident or uneasy you are about your kids' school, teachers, and the condition of education in general. Your position as a parent is given major weight in the conclusions of a groundbreaking study involving 10,000 students which concluded that "although both school and family participation are vital, the significance of family involvement is stronger when it comes to academic perfo …
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Making Family Relationships a Priority, Part 2

Making Family Relationships a Priority, Part 2
Making family relationships a priority can benefit you and your children academically as well as in other ways. While there is no substitute for consistent, routine times for relationship-building (as we discussed in Part 1), parents can get creative in arranging a setting and planning special events that intentionally celebrate and anticipate closeness in relationships, one of the key elements in a child's academic success. Environmental Elements Your home both refl …
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